
台南浸信會恩慈堂國際社區查經班於2017年10月27日開班,課程內容與教材由擔任Community Bible Study International Caleb/Ambassador的旅美骨科知名學者安介南教授導入,透過嚴謹卻易懂的教材內容,提供會友及慕道友學習聖經中神的話語與交通分享見證等,將來自神的真道與生活、工作緊密結合。教材及查經分享以中文進行。

CBSI TAIWAN網站: 國際社區查經班(CBSI)台灣



Community Bible Study 的歷史、宗旨與使命

Community Bible Study’s story is rooted in prayer and a strong desire to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus by exploring the Bible. These two aspects remain as vital to who we are today as they were at the very beginning.

Community Bible Study (CBS) began as an answer to the heartfelt prayer of a group of women who prayed that the Lord would provide Bible studies for people in the Washington, D.C. area. As a result of those prayers, the first CBS class began in the fall of 1975 at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, Maryland. Over 500 women, from many different churches, registered to study the book of John. Lee Campbell taught the first class. She, along with her husband Floyd (Corky), were used by God to get CBS off the ground.

One year later two more classes began: a day class in Alexandria, Virginia, and the first co-ed evening class in Tysons Corner, Virginia. In 1977, classes sprang up in California, Colorado, and Tennessee. In 1978, classes began in Alabama, Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois, and in 1979, people could attend a CBS class in Texas and London!. Without any advertising, publicity, or human planning, classes spread like wild fire. Since then the curriculum has expanded to include many other books in the Bible.

God has blessed this ministry, and with grateful hearts we want to love, serve, and honor Him in all that we do.




參加者先分別進行個人查經。如詩篇第一篇所言:「惟喜愛耶和華的律法,晝夜思想的人,這人便為有福。」經由回答教材中所提出的問題,深入思考當週的聖經訊息。 這是最重要的步驟,查考聖經的目的是讓自己可以翻開聖經,自己從中發掘神話語的真實,並可以從中學習。


每週會由組長引領小組成員進行討論,組長的角色並不是教導。在小組裡,與其他研習同一段經文的組員互相討論。各人不單從個人查考中學習神的話語,更可透過彼此的分享而互相學習。 小組分享的四個主要目的: 1. 激勵參加者完成功課。 2. 參加者有自由發言的機會,無拘束地分享對屬靈議題的看法,若意見彼此不同,也不進行辯駁。參加者在討論中可以感到自在、安全、受到尊重與被接納。這是分享每個人在這週內從神而來的領受的重要時刻。 3. 參加者有機會分享並聆聽自己所陳述在個人研習中所領受的聖經原則。這也是一個學習接受與接納的重要過程。 4. 參加者有機會聆聽彼此的分享,在同一段的經文上而有的各自領受。 這是社區查經班最關鍵的一個步驟。希望營造開放且彼此接納的環境讓參加者每週回到查經班。